The Crafted Conversation

World Class Application of Education to Elite Sport and Elite Sport to Education

How can The Crafted Concept help you?

- Performance Coaching for individuals or teams

- Performance Consulting for:

>Learning Environment

>Learning Design

>Learning Critique

Social Bios below or DM: [email protected]

The Crafted Conversation

On the Podcast this week…

Sports Coaches: Two Easy Instructional Strategies To Change Your Coaching

Marcus discusses the processes of "Think, Pair, Share" and "Checking for Understanding" as two instructional strategies which can transform player/athlete engagement and a coach's live feedback on player/athlete learning.

Weekly Crafted Concept

This week’s insight: I’ve been thinking about…

The success of The Crafted Concept’s first live performance event. Thanks to those who joined on Wednesday 19th of February.

Watch this space for future workshops and events…

Email [email protected] for regular updates or to contact about individual or team performance work in your environment
